binge drinking
: an act or pattern of excessive consumption of alcohol
The reality is, however, that college drinking, especially binge drinking—defined as five or more drinks in a sitting for men and four for women—is a serious, and sometimes fatal, problem.—
Maria Caliri
The contentious tax on alcopops has failed to influence teenage drinkers and done nothing to curb binge drinking, according to the first survey of underage alcohol use since the federal government introduced the excise hike.—
Melissa Fyfe
The Wisconsin Alcohol Policy Project has developed strategies to reduce binge drinking by identifying bars that routinely over-serve customers, as well as community festivals that overemphasize drinking.—
Chris Hubbuch
—often hyphenated when used before another nouna binge-drinking problem
binge drink
intransitive verb
binge drank; binge drank also binge drunk; binge drinking; binge drinks
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 6 U.S. adults binge drinks, with 25% doing so at least weekly.
Annika Olson
binge drinker
plural binge drinkers
Respondents who report consuming five or more drinks on at least one occasion during the past month are considered binge drinkers and are at the highest risk for alcohol-related problems.
Paula Mergenhagen
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